A paper shredder is a device that is used to cut paper into either strips or fine particles. Different organizations, Government, businesses, and private individuals use shredders to wipe out confidential or sensitive documents. Experts suggest that bills, tax documents, credit card and bank account statements, or other such items which might be used by thieves for illegal deeds, be shred and disposed off. There are people who steal your identity by spending their day searching through garbage bags to find private information, like account numbers, and credit card applications etc. Once they find something of their need they would definitely use it for their purpose.
Home paper shredder is a perfect solution for such situations. It shreds your papers and important documents which are, though not as important to you, but might be for some one. Home paper shredding machines are convenient to handle, light weight, and can be handled daily for any small paper shredding job.
Types of shredders
Shredders vary in size and price from small and low-cost units made for few pages, to large units used by money-making shredding services charging hundreds of thousands of dollars, shredding millions of documents an hour.The shredders are classified according to the size and shape of the shreds they have to do. Their size starts from standard scissors and other hand-operated devices to truck-sized shredders.
Strip-cut shredders
It is the least secure type of shredder. Narrow strips are cut long enough as the original sheet of paper. This way strips can be arranged back and enough data can be found to be used.
Cross-cut shredders
It uses two contra-rotating blades to cut rectangular, parallelogram, or diamond-shaped pieces.
• Particle-cut: The blades of shredder create tiny square or circular pieces.
• Disintegrators: They repeatedly cut the paper at random until the particles are small enough
• Hammermills: They pound the paper through a screen.
• Pierce and Tear: By rotating blades it pierces the paper and then tears it apart.
• Grinders: A shaft continuously rotates; blades cutting the paper until it are small enough to fall through a screen.
Advantages of Home paper Shredder
• It ensures hundred percent securities of papers, document and other personal identity stuffs
• It can shred bundles of paper, any document, cds, credit cards.
• It has High shredding capacity up to 20papers at a time n non stop working for 20 minutes.
• This way a lot of waste can be put in the same bin as they are finely chopped
• It functions automatically and no extra help or direction is needed
• This machine won’t get jammed or clogged and its cleaning is a simple process
• It operates safely and expert skills are not needed
• No noise pollution as such
Some of the best home paper shredders available in market include Fellowes P-40 Strip Cut Paper Shredder, DESTROYIT 2360 Cross Cut Shredder / Home Paper Shredder, Kobra Cyclone HS from Elcoman, Fellowes P-45C Powershred Home Office Paper Shredder