Ibn Tulun Mosque Egypt - Islamic Wallpaper
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what are the qualities of a good leader. follow just 21 steps of leadership to excel in your career.
Remember leadership
isn't about your position.
It's about your influence.
Get fit like a pro athlete.
Lift people up versus
tearing people down
Protect your good name.
An impeccable reputation
take a lifetime to build.
And 60 seconds to loose.
Surround yourself with
positive, ethical people
who are committed to
Remember that even a 1%
daily innovation rate
amounts to at least a
100% rate of innovation in
100 days.
Believe in your dreams
(even when others laugh
at them).
Measure your success,
not by your net worth but
by your self worth (and
how happy you feel).
Take an intelligent risk
every 24 hours. No try-
No Win.
Read "Buffett: The Making
of an American Capitalist".
Watch "Man on Wire".
Regardless of your title at
work, be a team builder.
Remember that business
is all about relationships
and human connections.
Say "please" more.
Say "thank you" more.
Know your Big 5: the five
things that need to
happen by the end of this
year for you to feel its
been your best year yet.
Read your big 5 every
morning while the rest of
the world s asleep.
Read "As You Think". At
least twice this year.
Be willing to fail. It's the
price of greatness.
Focus less on making
money and more on
creating value.
Spend less, save more.
isn't about your position.
It's about your influence.
Get fit like a pro athlete.
Lift people up versus
tearing people down
Protect your good name.
An impeccable reputation
take a lifetime to build.
And 60 seconds to loose.
Surround yourself with
positive, ethical people
who are committed to
Remember that even a 1%
daily innovation rate
amounts to at least a
100% rate of innovation in
100 days.
Believe in your dreams
(even when others laugh
at them).
Measure your success,
not by your net worth but
by your self worth (and
how happy you feel).
Take an intelligent risk
every 24 hours. No try-
No Win.
Read "Buffett: The Making
of an American Capitalist".
Watch "Man on Wire".
Regardless of your title at
work, be a team builder.
Remember that business
is all about relationships
and human connections.
Say "please" more.
Say "thank you" more.
Know your Big 5: the five
things that need to
happen by the end of this
year for you to feel its
been your best year yet.
Read your big 5 every
morning while the rest of
the world s asleep.
Read "As You Think". At
least twice this year.
Be willing to fail. It's the
price of greatness.
Focus less on making
money and more on
creating value.
Spend less, save more.
Islamic Wallpapers Blog
Asslam Alikum i have started this Islamic wallpapers blg. i hope that inshallah you will enjoy it.
Bihar and Bihari's Contribution to the Development of India... 11% growth rate will change the face of Bihar... I'm proud to be a Bihari... Jai Bihar
Who carries you on a rickshaw or an autorickshaw in Delhi?
Who drives the cars of Delhiites? Who built the Delhi Metro?
Who is building the new houses and the expanding suburbs of Delhi?
Who made Punjab the most prosperous state in the country?
The answer is Biharis. (Here you may not agree.)
The credit for building the Delhi Metro or making Punjab prosperous will never go to Biharis. Does anyone ever say that blacks built America?
In colonial days, Bihar supplied the "girmitiya", or indentured, labour force that built countries like Mauritius, Suriname and Fiji. A bulk of the labour employed in the Raj capital of Calcutta came from Bihar. After Independence, as opportunities grew, Bihari workers flocked to places like Delhi, Punjab and Mumbai.
At the same time, Biharis excelled in other fields. Many of them became great political leaders, ICS and IAS officers, scientists, doctors, engineers, writers and artists. Delhi and other Indian cities attracted huge white-collar Bihari populations and Biharis formed a large part of the Indian diaspora of professionals.
But in the eyes of the rest of India, "Bihari" had come to mean a labourer, a person doing menial jobs. It had become a term of scorn and contempt. In their anglicized lingo, places like Delhi University turned the word into "Harry", but the pejorative tone remained unmistakable.
Heaping scorn on the working classes is a universal phenomenon. That is how words like Negro, Paki (used for Pakistanis and Indians in Britain) and some of the words denoting dalit castes in India earned contemptuous connotations.
In fact, while Biharis were getting their hands dirty on Punjab's farms, Punjabis were migrating in hordes to the US, Canada, the UK and Australia. Never mind that they would take up blue-collar jobs as taxi drivers, petrol pump attendants and waiters in those faraway lands.
As the years passed, many of the Biharis who had come to Punjab or Mumbai as manual labourers started moving up the economic ladder as did the blue-collar Indian emigrants abroad. A usually unnoticed aspect of the so-called racial attacks against Indians abroad is the threat the rise of working classes poses to the entrenched social order. This accentuates the contempt they face. Viewed thus, the attacks on Biharis in Punjab, and Mumbai, and the attacks on Indians abroad are manifestations of the same phenomenon.
What stopped Biharis from bringing about a green revolution or building a Metro in Bihar? The answer is geography and history. Geography, because ravaged by floods, the land of Bihar was unable to feed its growing population. And history, because what was the centre of the biggest Indian empire in ancient times was reduced to an obscure provincial existence. The skewed landownership system introduced by the British rulers worsened the situation.
It is a story of a couple of hundred years. Things could have improved after Independence had the political leadership of Bihar been able to exert influence on the rulers in New Delhi to get enough funds for development projects and set off a process of industrialization in the state.
On the contrary, Bihar continued to live the same, conveniently ignored, provincial existence. A system built on casteism, nepotism, corruption and crime came to dominate the state. It spawned a neo-rich class of netas, babus, contractors and government engineers who would build palatial houses for themselves with the money meant for dams, power projects, ration for the poor or even fodder for cattle.
The money meant for roads, other infrastructure and public amenities would go into their bank accounts. No wonder, the roads - supposed to be built with public money - in front of those houses would be full of ditches and become the playground of pigs every monsoon.
With limited options of higher education and hardly any employment opportunities in the state, the youth of Bihar started looking out. They flooded places like Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University. They started dominating the country's toughest competitive tests like the IIT Joint Entrance Examination and the UPSC's civil services examination. With this success, Biharis started believing that they were the brainiest. As for others, they at least began to acknowledge that Biharis were inferior to none when it came to brainpower.
The academic success, however, did not do much to rid the word "Bihari" of the scorn it had gathered. People in Delhi continued to laugh at those who spoke with a Bihari accent. Those who spoke without an accent would get this compliment: "Oh, you are from Bihar? But you don't sound like a Bihari."
Biharis, meanwhile, were retreating into a shell, with little but the glory of ancient and medieval heroes like Buddha, Mahavira, Chandragupta, Chanakya, Ashoka, Aryabhatta, Guru Gobind Singh and Sher Shah to bask in. Now comes 11% growth. The state can recover from the damage it has suffered over hundreds of years only if such a high rate of growth can be sustained for many, many years. Then Biharis would not have to till others' land or build cities and countries elsewhere.
Jaago India Jaago
How to Impress your boss? - 5 Easy Ways To Make Your Job Better and More Secure
If you are fortunate enough to have a job these days, there are a couple of easy things you can do to make your job better and more secure. (These tips come from the brain of a manager who might just be a lot like your boss).
Ask your boss what one thing he/she would like to see you change or improve.
This is so powerful.
You can bet there is one thing about you that drives your boss nuts. You need to find out what it is and fix it. It could save your job. It could help you get promoted or get a bigger raise.
Many bosses avoid conflict. Many bosses are uncomfortable giving personal advice. So make it easy for your boss to tell you how to perform better.
Ask him / her what is the biggest thing he / she does NOT like about you or your performance on the job. Tell him to think about it and that you will be back at the end of the week for an answer.
Then make a commitment to yourself to fix this one thing. You will be glad you did.
Make this your New Year's resolution. If you have the guts, tell your boss you will commit to making that change. But then you have to deliver...or else.
Remember, when it comes time to decide who gets laid off and who gets the bigger raise, it's usually one thing that makes the difference in the mind of the boss.
2) Stop the Whining
I used to work with a terrific manager who had this "No Whining" sign on his door.
Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines Whining as: "To utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry."
Being known as a "Whiner" in the office means you complain way too much and others find it distracting and demoralizing.
So if you find yourself complaining a lot to your coworkers or your significant other, beware you are putting a target on your back and drawing negative attention to yourself.
Nobody likes a whiner, at home or in the office.
3) Put Your Happy Face On Even if It Hurts
Even if you are having a bad day, lift up your chin, take a real deep breath or two and put a smile on your face. Even if it's fake. Called Plastic Smile
Most normal people prefer to see happy people. and it very true... I 2 like people around me with a smiling face.
No one really wants to be around depressed or cranky people.
Smiling can only help. It certainly won't make things worse.
4) Get Some Exercise
Nothing will clear your head and boost your morale as well as going out for a vigorous 5 mile walk or run or a 25 mile bike ride.
People who do this say the same thing. They get more new ideas and solutions when out exercising. They find it creative and inspiring.
Just Do It.
5) Get Out and Meet New People
I don't want to use the dreaded "Networking" word, however, to keep your career moving forward you have to get out of your normal job routine and meet new people who are in your line of work.http://hallosushant.blogspot.com/
Find local organizations that do something you are interested in. like Lions Club, Rotract Club or something else
Find groups that do something fun that relates to your profession.
Volunteer to be on a committee.
Many companies want their employees to be members of professional groups, especially those groups related to promoting and selling the company's products.
Experts recommend that you schedule time to "get out" once per week if you can, if not, at least once per month.
Ultimately, the people you meet might be your ticket to a new opportunity.
If you can't find something fun related to your job, you are probably in the wrong type of work.
Best Of luck.
Young Pakistan suicide bomber nabbed from border
In a major breakthrough the Border Security Force (BSF) has nabbed a
Pakistani potential suicide bomber named Numan Arshad from the Attari
sector of the Indo-Pak border.
Pakistani potential suicide bomber named Numan Arshad from the Attari
sector of the Indo-Pak border.
Are you an Internet illiterate Don't worry Be a Hard Worker: Read the Inspirational Tomato Story
A Jobless man applied for the position of 'office boy' at Microsoft.
The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.
'You are employed' he said. Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you
the application to fill in,
as well as date when you may start.
The man replied 'But I don't have a computer, neither an email'.
'I'm sorry', said the HR manager. If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist.
And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job.'
The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket.
He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate.
He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours,
he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times,
and returned home with $60.
The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go every day earlier,
and return late.
Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day.
Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.
5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers ....
He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.
He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan.
When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his email.
The man replied, 'I don't have an email.'
The broker answered curiously, 'You don't have an email,
and yet have succeeded to build an empire.
Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e mail?!!'
The man thought for a while and replied,
'Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!'
Moral of the story
Moral 1
Internet is not the solution to your life.
Moral 2
If you don't have Internet, and work hard, you can be a millionaire.
The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.
'You are employed' he said. Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you
the application to fill in,
as well as date when you may start.
The man replied 'But I don't have a computer, neither an email'.
'I'm sorry', said the HR manager. If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist.
And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job.'
The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket.
He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate.
He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours,
he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times,
and returned home with $60.
The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go every day earlier,
and return late.
Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day.
Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.
5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers ....
He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.
He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan.
When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his email.
The man replied, 'I don't have an email.'
The broker answered curiously, 'You don't have an email,
and yet have succeeded to build an empire.
Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e mail?!!'
The man thought for a while and replied,
'Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!'
Moral of the story
Moral 1
Internet is not the solution to your life.
Moral 2
If you don't have Internet, and work hard, you can be a millionaire.
The S-class has long been the face of class, sophistication, and cutting-edge technology for Mercedes-Benz. For the latest S-class, this tradition has been continued with the addition of interior, exterior and under the hood refinements. While India only had this starry technomarvel in the 350 petrol and the 320 CDI guise, which was quite a step behind the 400 plus horsepower BMW's and Audi's as far as performance was concerned. The all new S500 is all set to change that.
With a 5.5 litre V8, this monstAr packs in 388 PS and a gigantic 530 Nm of torque. There are gadgets galore as well like the active cruise control, night vision camera Adaptive Highbeam Assist, Lane Keeping Assist and the Pre-Safe brake system linked to the proximity regulating radar, which intervenes autonomously before an impending rear-end collision. Other highlights include the Attention Assist driver drowsiness monitor and Active Body Control with automatic crosswind stabilization.
On the exterior front, the most noticeable change is the addition of daytime LED running lights fitted to the outer edges of the bi-xenon lamp units. The rear end is also accented with a total of 52 distinctively arranged LEDs in the two tail lights. The much awaited GL class has also been launched. The GL 350 CDI just like the recently launched E 350 CDI features BlueEFFICIENCY technology as well. Under the hood, the GL sports a 225 PS V6 with 500 Nm of turning force. The 7-seater GL is set to take the fight straight to the Q7 and the Porsche Cayenne. Priced at Rs. 64.9 lakh ex-showroom Delhi, the GL is priced on par with the competition. The S500 L has made its way in CKD form and priced at Rs. 95 lakh ex-showroom Delhi makes it the most expensive car to be made in India.
article by: Abhishek Nigam
Auto Expo 2010: Chevrolet's Beat 1.2 L Price range and major Rivals
After loads of anticipation and a gazillion spyshots later, Chevrolet has finally launched its all new Beat. The Beat started life as one of a trio of Chevrolet's concept small cars which originally debuted at the 2007 New York International Auto Show. While it was designed by GM Daewoo in South Korea, the actual prototyping of the concept was done here in India. Apart from these minor changes, the Beat that has been launched is nearly identical to the original concept. That being said, this little Chevy looks significantly different from the glut of small cars that fill the Indian market. http://hallosushant.blogspot.com/
With a 1.2 litre unit under the hood pushing out 79 PS, it's pretty nippy as well. The Beat is launched in 3 variants.
- The base PS version equipped with power steering is priced at Rs. 3.34 lakh.
- The LS with power windows and a spoiler comes at Rs. 3.54 lakh.
- While the top of the range LT with climate control, integrated audio, ABS and optional airbags is priced at a bargain 3.94 lakh (all prices ex-showroom Delhi).
- The fully loaded version with ABS and two airbags will retail for Rs 4.3 lakh
In terms of pricing, the Beat has truly threatened the prevailing players in the 1.2-litre hatch space. Just to put things in perspective, the current champ of the segment Maruti Suzuki Ritz is priced between Rs 3.9 lakh for its base LXI version and the fully-loaded ZXI version goes for Rs 4.8 lakh, ex-showroom. The Beat undercuts it on both accounts by a massive Rs 50,000. The same goes for the comfy Hyundai i10 Kappa, which the Beat will now have squarely in its sights. The i10 has contributed majorly in fortifying Hyundai’s position in India, GM should hope that Beat will do the same for it in this lucrative segment. http://hallosushant.blogspot.com/
While the Fiat Grande Punto 1.2 and the Tata Indica Vista Safire come much closer to the Beat in terms of pricing, both may be found lacking when it comes to performance and the visual excitement of the Beat's futuristic exteriors and interiors.
Truly then, a threat from GM India to Beat 'em all? Read a comprehensive road test of the car in the January issue of the ZigWheels magazine, and a comparison test with the best of the lot is on its way soon too! http://hallosushant.blogspot.com/

With a 1.2 litre unit under the hood pushing out 79 PS, it's pretty nippy as well. The Beat is launched in 3 variants.
- The base PS version equipped with power steering is priced at Rs. 3.34 lakh.
- The LS with power windows and a spoiler comes at Rs. 3.54 lakh.
- While the top of the range LT with climate control, integrated audio, ABS and optional airbags is priced at a bargain 3.94 lakh (all prices ex-showroom Delhi).
- The fully loaded version with ABS and two airbags will retail for Rs 4.3 lakh
While the Fiat Grande Punto 1.2 and the Tata Indica Vista Safire come much closer to the Beat in terms of pricing, both may be found lacking when it comes to performance and the visual excitement of the Beat's futuristic exteriors and interiors.
Truly then, a threat from GM India to Beat 'em all? Read a comprehensive road test of the car in the January issue of the ZigWheels magazine, and a comparison test with the best of the lot is on its way soon too! http://hallosushant.blogspot.com/
Chevrolet's Beat
Maruti Suzuki Ritz Price: Rs 3.9-4.8 lakh
The most sprightly performer of the lot, the Ritz enjoys the top position of the lot thanks to its new K-series petrol engine and Maruti’s rock-solid reputation in India.
http://hallosushant.blogspot.com/The most sprightly performer of the lot, the Ritz enjoys the top position of the lot thanks to its new K-series petrol engine and Maruti’s rock-solid reputation in India.
Hyundai i10 Kappa Price: Rs 3.9-4.9 lakh
A great all-round city small car, the i10 yet retains its upmarket and luxurious appeal that have seen its sales soar. This will be the one the Beat will look to beat before the others.
http://hallosushant.blogspot.com/A great all-round city small car, the i10 yet retains its upmarket and luxurious appeal that have seen its sales soar. This will be the one the Beat will look to beat before the others.
Tata Indica Vista Price: Rs 3.4-4.2 lakh
Tata Motors’ charge towards contemporary began with the Vista. It still offers one of the best combinations of space and value for money, but many may fall for the Beat’s glitz.
http://hallosushant.blogspot.com/Tata Motors’ charge towards contemporary began with the Vista. It still offers one of the best combinations of space and value for money, but many may fall for the Beat’s glitz.
Fiat Grande Punto Price: Rs 4.0 lakh
The largest and probably the best looking hatch of the lot, the 1.2-litre Punto was the hidden card in Fiat’s sleeve. Well-priced but underpowered, this is still a dark horse for the segment.
The largest and probably the best looking hatch of the lot, the 1.2-litre Punto was the hidden card in Fiat’s sleeve. Well-priced but underpowered, this is still a dark horse for the segment.
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