Doodles are Google’s unique way to show its respect for great people, inventions and events. It is the best way to aware the netizens about any issue. On 2nd October, Google replaced its default logo by another special image featuring Mahatma Gandhi. I don’t know why it is only Google! Have you seen another such experiment on other websites? On any Indian websites?, Rediff or any government website? NO, right? 
This is why Google is a great institution and not just an online venture.
Know More About BARCODE:
Examine the 1958 patent drawing to the left that depicts the Woodland's and Silver's bar code label and the 1958 patent drawing below right of the inventors' bar code scanner technology. The photo below left is an example of today's U.P.C. bar code on a product package.
In 1948, Bernard Silver was a graduate student at Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia. A local food chain store owner had made an inquiry to the Drexel Institute asking about research into a method of automatically reading product information during checkout. Bernard Silver joined together with fellow graduate student Norman Joseph Woodland to work on a solution.
On October 20, 1949, Woodland and Silver filed their patent application for the "Classifying Apparatus and Method", describing their invention as "article classification...through the medium of identifying patterns".
In June of 1974, the first U.P.C. scanner was installed at a Marsh's supermarket in Troy, Ohio. The first product to have a bar code included was a packet of Wrigley'sGum.
Bar Code History
Beginning with 1932, when an ambitious project was conducted by a small group of students headed by Wallace Flint at the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. The project proposed that customers select desired merchandise from a catalog by removing corresponding punched cards from the catalog.
Development of the U.P.C. Symbol History
About 1970, McKinsey & Co. (a consulting firm) in conjunction with UGPCC (Uniform Grocery Product Code Council, a corporation formed by the grocery industries leading trade associations) defined a numeric format for product identification.
How do I get a bar code for my product?
How to obtain a Universal Product Code Identification Number.
George J. Laurer
George J. Laurer invented U.P.C. in 1973 - Patents & Recognition For George Laurer
Uniform Code Council, Inc.
The UCC (formerly The Uniform Product Code Council, Inc.) is responsible for issuing product numbers, specification, etc.
Barcode Server
A toy that entertains and reveals things about your barcode.
Barcode 1
Complete information about bar codes.
Beginning with 1932, when an ambitious project was conducted by a small group of students headed by Wallace Flint at the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. The project proposed that customers select desired merchandise from a catalog by removing corresponding punched cards from the catalog.
Development of the U.P.C. Symbol History
About 1970, McKinsey & Co. (a consulting firm) in conjunction with UGPCC (Uniform Grocery Product Code Council, a corporation formed by the grocery industries leading trade associations) defined a numeric format for product identification.
How do I get a bar code for my product?
How to obtain a Universal Product Code Identification Number.
George J. Laurer
George J. Laurer invented U.P.C. in 1973 - Patents & Recognition For George Laurer
Uniform Code Council, Inc.
The UCC (formerly The Uniform Product Code Council, Inc.) is responsible for issuing product numbers, specification, etc.
Barcode Server
A toy that entertains and reveals things about your barcode.
Barcode 1
Complete information about bar codes.
By Mary Bellis @