Place of mud of cure
Once in Madina when prophet Muhammad sallalla ho allihiwasalam was physically alive a viral disease of skin broke out and most of the the madina people had been suffering from such disease . It had contineously been spreading very seriously. On that critical situation prophet Muhammad sallallaho allihi wasalam had advised all patients suffering from such disease to apply the mud of a particular place in holy Madina munnawarah on their effected areas of body. All the ailing companions did as the prophet Muhammad sallalla ho allihi wasalam said and they had been cured after appling muds on their effected skins.
DUE TO SUCH MIRACLE THE MUD OF THIS PLACE STARTED TO BE KNOWN AS "KHAKH-E-SHIFA" (mud of cure).Even today people use such mud in each and every disease.Though the saudi govern ment does not encourage to do so yet the faithfuls reach to this place and collect some mud. saudi taxies do not show this place but if pilgrims hire private urdu or bangali speaking taxi drivers they may show such holy pace. it is in madina city not very from masjid-e-quba and bere- gharas (the well which water was used to bathe prophet Muhammad sallalla ho alli hi wasalam after his holy death before burrial).
Now a days a water drainage is flowing at this particular place as the picture is showing.

The history tells that once the drops of holy blood and holy sweat of prophet Muhammad sallalla ho allihi wasalam had fallen at this spot and been mixed in the mud .Due to such reason the mud of this place became pious and holy. people started to use it as curing ointment.( ALmighth Allah and His Prophet S.A.W know better)
It is in Muhalla Awalli in madina munawwarah near sultania street. pilgrims may see it while they are visting masjid-e-quba.